Ah, fall is in the air. Sure, it's not making those of us in southwest Florida scurry for our hoodies just yet but there's that subtle change in the air, that slight change in the way the light hits the leaves in the late afternoon. It's a wonderful time of year and a time of year that is slowly becoming more and more important for me. Our friends Ryan and Holly are huge fans of the fall season as well. Their lives have come to be measured by it, allowing for fall to serve as a time for a sort of inner reckoning and reevaluation as to the past and the future. I'm starting to see things in this light as well.
And this fall just seems, well, significant. Can I explain it? Not really. But I just feel as though something is in the air. It's sort of like that admiral guy in
Mary Poppins warning Mr. Banks that the wind is shifting, I feel as though my life is finally beginnig to shift as well. Where that may lead, who knows? I may end up having a tea party on the ceiling. Either way, I feel confident that the anticipation is for something good, for something positive.