Thursday, May 04, 2006

A Little Food for Thought...

Just yesterday I started reading this book I'd picked up a few months ago called, Fast Food Nation, by Eric Schlosser. It deals with the whole impact of the fast food industry and it's implications upon our economy, political structures, physical health and well-being, and just about every other angle. Almost borrowing from quantum physics and chaos theory, Eric makes a good point that things are a lot more interrelated than we give them credit for. Anyway, I'm just a bit into the book but thought I'd share a couple quick quotes with you that I liked.

"The impact of McDonald's on the way we live today is hard to overstate. The Golden Arches are now more widely recognized than the Christian cross."

"'We have found out...that we cannot trust some people who are noncomformists,' declared Ray Kroc, one of the founders of McDonald's, angered by some of his franchisees. 'We will make conformists out of them in a hurry...The organization cannot trust the individual; the individual must trust the organization'."

Speaking of Harland Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken: "...Sanders described his ups and downs, his decision at the age of seventy-four to be rebaptized and born again, his lifelong struggle to stop cursing. Despite his best efforts and a devout faith in Christ, Harland Sanders admitted that it was still awfully hard "not to call a no-good, lazy, incompetent, dishonest s.o.b. by anything else but his rightful name."

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