Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Invigorating Friends

I've sort of been out of the loop lately as far as deeper thinking goes. It's not so much that those thoughts have left my mind or gotten to a place wherein they have disinterested me but, well, I just found myself getting a little overwhelmed. It's tough to imbibe so much information sometimes and to know what to do with it. So, I took a break. Lately I've been spending my free time devouring paperback novels and listening to music. Now, that's not going to change entirely, especially the music part, but I think I'm ready to wade back into the deep end of the pool.

The forces pushing me toward this again are twofold yet very much the same. Both are due to friendships I have, one forged over twenty-plus years and the other really less than a year old. One friend I talk to quite frequently and the other, well, only now and then. One was once a NASA engineer and the other is a musician and graphic design artist. What both of these friends have in common is a restless mind and a heart that keeps on giving. They both come from diverse backgrounds, have tasted of very different slices of life, but both continue to ferry on, thinking, pondering, loving, and living. I'm thankful for the challenges that their lives bring to me and for the contribution that they make to this great life of mine, whether they realize it or not.

So, to Ryan and Holly, and to Celena, here's to you!

Just FYI....
Ryan and Holly are featured on this week's Emergent Village podcast. You can check that out here!

And Celena and my conversation has just really begun to pick up steam over here as we discuss friendships, faith, life, and other sundry items! Please feel free to join us!

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