Thursday, July 12, 2007

Relevant Wisdom

Some time ago, I ran across this very cool magazine for twentysomethings called RELEVANT. It was trendy, cool, and had some very thoughtful and challenging pieces as well. I was hooked. So I've been reading ever since. For a long time I just picked it up at the local bookstore but eventually relented, particularly since I realized it was tons cheaper, and subscribed. Well, my subscription ended with the last issue, May/June, and with our move and everything we forgot/were too poor/lost the paperwork/had enough trouble remembering where we'd put all our stuff to renew it. So, the other night, a bit overwhelmed with children, I left them home with my wife on a mission to buy some much needed Pull-Ups but detoured along the way and picked up a copy of the new issue.

I'm so glad I did. It's a great issue but two things in particular just kind of caught me right this time and I thought I'd share them here. The first was ironically the editor's letter, called the "First Word", from founder Cameron Strang. Cameron writes:

"How many of us have felt that optimistic determination that we're going to change the world? And how many - be honest - have had difficulty sustaining it? Inevitably, things don't turn out the way we hope, and "real world" things - school loans, marriage, kids, mortgages - pull us away from huge passions that once steered our lives. So what do we do? Do we succumb to the reality of settling? Or do we find ways to stay true to the passions God instilled deep within us?"

Okay, read my blogpost before this and I think we have that answer. But Cameron continues with some good advice:

"Distractions and responsibilities are inevitable. Things will not happen the way we think they will. But if we still believe in the things we once did, it's up to us to still go out and fight for our convictions.

And we need to start now. We don't have to wait until things are perfect. You may be working some sucky 9-to-5 to pay the bills, but that doesn't need to define your future...Don't let your circumstances dictate your future. Don't lose sight of what God has put inside of you...The future will be determined by people who will chase their dreams and stand up for what they believe in, come what may. If we're unwavering in our convictions, keep our focus on God and do whatever it takes, well, that's how revolutions are started. And sustained."

Good words, Cam. Good words. And I need to hear them so, thank you.

In the same issue, RELEVANT featured an interview with one of my favorite authors of all time, Anne Lamott. Lamott's writing has left quite an impression upon my life and has enabled me to see through an entirely new lens so this was very cool to read. I just want to share one quick quote that she offers up in the interview:

"You don't deepen your relationship with Christ with books; you do it by showing up with other people who are taking care of the poorest, hungriest and most marginalized. If you want to find where Jesus is, you'll find Him close to the poorest of the poor, the suffering, the terrorized people."

Just good stuff. Thanks, RELEVANT.

And as a side note, if you're not a reader/subscriber, you should be. Head over to their site and check it out. And for bonus fun, log onto itunes and subscribe to their podcast too. Features some good interviews, music, and well, all around hilarity.

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