Monday, December 19, 2005

Shifting politics..

A few years ago I would have most likely labeled myself, if asked, as a fairly conservative person politically. As a youth pastor in a Southern Baptist church and such, my leanings tended to be more toward those of the religious right and such. Before long though, a sense of unrest came to settle upon me and as my journey progressed and I began to think a bit more for myself, combined with reading the Scriptures with a fresh light, my views politically have begun to change.

For instance, at the beginning of the U.S - Iraq conflict, I was in favor of it. I felt as though Saddam Hussein was an evil dictator who needed to be ousted, whose people needed to experience freedom for themselves. I suppose, in some ways, maybe I still feel that but as to the methods the U.S. utilized in effort to justify an invasion, I have a problem. I have a problem with lying to the American public regarding weapons of mass destruction. I have a problem with placing honorable men and women's lives in danger in order to extend an Empire rather than truly free a people. I won't desecrate the good hearts of the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces and who are carrying out their respective duties. I will however contend with those who give those orders, who justify their actions.

That being said, now we have the revelation that President Bush has taken to authorizing spy methods on various citizens and sources. In doing this, he has also bypassed some of the previously mandated systems that maintain a check on this sort of action. Welcome, Big Brother. I am all for the health of our nation and for protecting our civil liberties. However, when the protection of said civil liberties comes at the violation of those very liberties, are we not treading in dangerous waters?

Just some thoughts. I'm not a particularly political person but this action has me a bit aroused.

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