Thursday, September 28, 2006

One of My Heroes...

While this might seem a bit contrived or whatnot, I just felt compelled, in the small space of time that I have this morning, to share with you about one of the heroes in my life, my lovely wife, Erin. My wife simply amazes me. For whatever reason, it has just struck me more so lately. I've watched her negotiate the tricky hormonal waters of pregnancy with grace and ease, working through nearly the whole time up to birth. Rarely did she complain, whine, or moan about the crazy demands her body was making upon her. After the birth of both of our children, most recently, Peyton, I've watched her dilligently climb out of bed at all times of night in order to feed and soothe our new little one. As circumstances have deemed for our life at this time, she's had to go back to work but, each and every night, she still pulls herself from slumber to love on this little bundle of joy. She stands as the more lucrative breadwinner in our family, a fact that brings both frustration and pride to my heart, and definately has the better financial head on her shoulders. She continues on hard with her schooling, hopefully to be completed in December, while all of this presses on her. On top of it all, she puts up with a husband who has hemmed and hawed over his place in this world. I could go on and on but, essentially, I've said all of that to say that, well, I really love my wife.

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