Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A Conversation From Work This Week...


Here's a dash of a conversation I had with a friend at work today:

Rich: "So, Charlotte (his wife) is going to this leadership thing later this week..."

Me: "Yeah?"

Rich: "...and she was telling me who all was going to be there. You'll never guess who one of the speakers is."

Me: "Who?"

Rich: "Sonny Bono! She said Sonny Bono is supposed to be one of the speakers! I couldn't figure out what he was doing there!

Me: "Uh, Rich?"

Rich: "What?"

Me: "Sonny Bono's dead. He had a bad run-in with a tree. Do you think you're maybe talking about Bono?"

Rich: "Who's Bono?"


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