Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Oh, the Humanity!

Some of you might be old enough, or young enough, depending, to remember the classic episode of Saturday morning drama, Saved by the Bell, in which the group was nearing their high school graduation from Bayside. But, what's that? Zach's in trouble! Our dear hero, Zach Morris, is a few credits shy and will not be able to walk! Of course, the show reconciles itself through Zach diving into a wonderful ballet production and gaining his credits in order to walk. Wow. Just like real life.

Y'know, I say that a bit tongue-in-cheek but it seems that sometimes, life will be forced to become just a hair closer to fiction that we'd like. Last night as I drove the one and a half hour commute to what I thought was to be the last class of my undergraduate career, I sat with my classmates and we shared the relief that now rested upon us now that this long awaited time had come. Until we were handed a bundle of papers. One of those stapled together manifestos included an "unofficial" collection of our credits. As I read over mine, according to this calculation of Satan that I am 2 credits shy of the 126 required for graduation. Damn. This is not good. Not good at all.

So, I have a phone call, email, prayer, and whatever other communication feature that's come to mind in with the school and the Good Lord upstairs. Needless to say, I'm a wee bit bummed until I hear that it's all gonna be all right.

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