Thursday, August 31, 2006

Reconnecting: Friends, Food, and Faith

Just last week I was fortunate enough to catch up with a dear friend, Celena, and her family. Somehow we'd allowed seven years to pass between our seeing each other although we'd maintained contact through the marvelous medium that is e-mail. Our history as friends tracks back so far, to elementary school, and we've shared so many good and bad times. It's really interesting to see how much our lives change, as well as our mindsets, as we've grown older. Both of us would admit, I think, that at one point in our lives we were simply young and ignorant. We made dumb decisions, held to wrong assumptions, and were really just naive. Yet now, a little older and hopefully a little wiser, we've both come to see the world through a new set of eyes. It was a great time to share with each other what has occurred in the past bit of time, to introduce our families, and to simply discuss life in general. It's really funny how that when you're young, discussing "big" topics like religion or whatnot seem to be just stupid (especially if like me you grew up in a fundie church that told you what you needed to know!) or at the very least, not worthy of your time, but now that we're older, those are the very things in our hearts. We did have a really cool conversation regarding the church and the new ideas and views I've been exposed to involving it.

I'm thankful for friends like, Celena, whom I can just pick right back up with. Tonight I'm going to try to reconnect with another friend who has been more than patient with me in waiting for him to touch base with him after Peyton's birth. Either way, it's nice to be around people who you have history with and who care.

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