Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A Foggy New Year...many questions...

I awoke on New Year's Day to a morning filled with dense fog. As I wandered out to work, driving through the thick pea-soup of murkiness, I found myself thinking about how appropriate this uncertain weather truly was, metaphorically speaking. This year holds nothing certain for us. There are plenty of variables at work and many questions that may or may not be answered. Both Erin and I will complete school this year, theoretically speaking, and are unsure of what those closures will mean for us. Will one of us continue on to graduate school? Will I end up opting for the route of traditional "ministry" or will this new path I've trod for some time hold fast and bring me to new incarnations of what ministry truly is? Will our child growing in Erin's womb go easy on us and decide to go full term, or, like Tyler, decide that he or she is ready to make their arrival early? What will it mean for us to live like Jesus in this New Year, with all that we've been learning? How will we allocate our finances differently, if at all? Will we continue to live and work in this area or will we consider moving? Will I ever give in to the voices calling me to write, with the boldness to submit what I do compose to publishers? Do I have anything worth saying? How will my studies and work in the lifestyles of monasticism and spiritual disciplines affect us this year? What friends will I gain this year? What friends might I lose touch with?

There are so many questions that stand at the outset of this New Year. The answers are so uncertain. My only constant can be that Christ will lead us, that He will guide us in our every path.

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